01:25:28duration 1 hour 25 minutes
Lecture 3: Religious Networks in the Age of…
Lecture 3: Religious Networks in the Age of Empire in New Spain and Africa
Two of the most striking developments in the modern history of global Christianity have been the respective strengths of Catholic Christianity in Central and Latin America and of Protestant and…
01:27:50duration 1 hour 27 minutes
Prof Elaine Howard Ecklund - Science and Religion…
Prof Elaine Howard Ecklund - Science and Religion in Global Public Life
48:39duration 48 minutes 39 seconds
Prof Agustin Fuentes - Does belief matter_
01:01:45duration 1 hour 1 minute
Prof. Agustin Fuentes - Who are we_ Belief,…
Prof. Agustin Fuentes - Who are we_ Belief, evolution, and our place in the world