Search for tag: "academic administration"

Prof Agustin Fuentes - How do we believe_

Prof Agustin Fuentes - How do we believe

From  Lesley Middlemass 0 likes 49 plays 0  

Prof Elaine Howard Ecklund - Science and Religion in Global Public Life

Prof Elaine Howard Ecklund - Science and Religion in Global Public Life

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From  Lesley Middlemass 1 likes 86 plays 0  

Andrew Carnegie Lecture Series Beatriz Colomina

Andrew Carnegie Lecture Series Beatriz Colomina

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From  Lesley Middlemass 0 likes 19 plays 0  

Dr Niki Vermeulen, Dr Bill Jenkins and team - Curious Edinburgh

Dr Niki Vermeulen, Dr Bill Jenkins and team - Curious Edinburgh

From  Lesley Middlemass 1 likes 89 plays 0  

Prof Agustin Fuentes - How did we change the world_

Prof Agustin Fuentes - How did we change the world_

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From  Lesley Middlemass 0 likes 39 plays 0  

Prof. Agustin Fuentes - Who are we_ Belief, evolution, and our place in the world

Prof. Agustin Fuentes - Who are we_ Belief, evolution, and our place in the world

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From  Lesley Middlemass 0 likes 37 plays 0  

Lecture Recording PTAS Project - James Hopgood, School of Engineering

In this video, Dr James Hopgood from the School of Engineering, talks about the Lecture recording PTAS project he is involved with to enhance engagement with Media Hopper Replay.

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From  Lorraine Spalding 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Episode 3 - Climate optimism or fatalism: Teaching climate change in today's university

In this third episode, MSc Environmental Sustainability student, Polly Wells, returns as our guest host to continue this conversation with three University of Edinburgh staff members: Velda McCune,…

+71 More
From  Sarah Thomas 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Episode 2 - Climate optimism or fatalism: Teaching climate change in today's university

This podcast complements the University’s Teaching Matters blog, and invites students and staff to engage in topical conversations. The first three episodes accompany the Teaching Matters…

+72 More
From  Sarah Thomas 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Episode 1 - Climate optimism or fatalism: Teaching climate change in today's university

This podcast complements the University’s Teaching Matters blog, and invites students and staff to engage in topical conversations. The first three episodes accompany the Teaching Matters…

+64 More
From  Sarah Thomas 0 likes 41 plays 0  

How to get the most out of lecture recording - Dr Emily Nordmann and Dr Jill MacKay

Recording of Dr Emily Nordmann (University of Glasgow) and Dr Jill MacKay (University of Edinburgh) speaking at the University of Edinburgh Lecture Capture Symposium on 31 January 2019. Hosted by Dr…

+62 More
From  Marc Jennings 0 likes 271 plays 0  

Born in a microbial cloud: gatekeepers of a healthy life. Prof Debby Bogaert

Born in a microbial cloud: gatekeepers of a healthy life. Prof Debby Bogaert Part of the College's inaugural lecture series.Recorded 12 November 2018.Abstract: It was only 350 years ago that the…

+93 More
From  Peter Crooks 1 likes 178 plays 0  

Professor Ami B M Tsui

Transforming student learning: the journey of a university-wide curriculum reform Prof. Ami B M Tsui The University of Hong Kong Learning & Teaching Conference 2018

From  Nelly Iacobescu 0 likes 226 plays 0  

Dr Torgny Roxå

Strong and weak ties – changing teaching cultures in higher education in programme Torgny Roxå Lund University, Sweden Learning & Teaching Conference 2018

From  Nelly Iacobescu 0 likes 162 plays 0  

Learning Technology Showcase March 2018, Part 2

Lecture Technology Showcase (run by the Learning Teaching and Web division of Information Services, University of Edinburgh) of 29th March 2018 on the subject of lecture recording. Part 2. Speakers:…

From  Brendan Hill 0 likes 84 plays 0  

1.1 - Introduction to The Course

Mitigating Climate Change - Carbon Capture Storage

+39 More
From  Jon Jack 0 likes 35 plays 0