Search for tag: "evaluation methods"

Prof. Agustin Fuentes - Who are we_ Belief, evolution, and our place in the world

Prof. Agustin Fuentes - Who are we_ Belief, evolution, and our place in the world

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From  Lesley Middlemass 0 likes 38 plays 0  

Learning Technology Showcase March 2018, Part 2

Lecture Technology Showcase (run by the Learning Teaching and Web division of Information Services, University of Edinburgh) of 29th March 2018 on the subject of lecture recording. Part 2. Speakers:…

From  Brendan Hill 0 likes 84 plays 0  

Learning Technology Showcase March 2018, Part 1

Lecture Technology Showcase (run by the Learning Teaching and Web division of Information Services, University of Edinburgh) of 29th March 2018 on the subject of lecture recording. Part 1. Speakers:…

+124 More
From  Brendan Hill 0 likes 150 plays 0  

Professor Lindsay Paterson | Scottish Education Policy : why statistics matter

Professor Lindsay Paterson is from the School of Social and Political Science | University Of Edinburgh - He presents research data on large scale historical and contemporary statistical surveys of…

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From  Nelly Iacobescu 1 likes 290 plays 0  



From  Marcello Crolla 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Kate and Jen


From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 90 plays 0  

Bilingualism in Minority Languages - Professor Antonella Sorace at the Celtic Knot: Wikipedia Language Conference 2017.

Bilingualism in minority languages: a resource and an opportunity Research on the bilingual mind shows that bilingualism in any languages, regardless of their status, prestige, and worldwide…

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From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 306 plays 0  

CARE-MND research project: Olly Clabburn

Researcher Olly Clabburn describes the Digital Legacies clinical research project for people living with motor neurone disease (MND).

+36 More
From  Rebecca Devon 0 likes 53 plays 0  

Ecoonomic Democracy Block6 v3 Interview: Alex Schlicke

Welcome to Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative, our MOOC about worker-owned and worker-controlled firms. We often hear that political democracy is the best available form of…

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From  Nuria Fraile-Diaz 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Economic Democracy Block2 v4: The Cooperative Alternative

Welcome to Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative, our MOOC about worker-owned and worker-controlled firms. We often hear that political democracy is the best available form of…

From  Nuria Fraile-Diaz 0 likes 42 plays 0