01:27:50duration 1 hour 27 minutes
Prof Elaine Howard Ecklund - Science and Religion…
Prof Elaine Howard Ecklund - Science and Religion in Global Public Life
48:39duration 48 minutes 39 seconds
Prof Agustin Fuentes - Does belief matter_
02:00:00duration 2 hours 0 minutes
Climate Crisis Event
Climate Crisis Panel Event
54:21duration 54 minutes 21 seconds
How to get the most out of lecture recording - Dr…
How to get the most out of lecture recording - Dr Emily Nordmann and Dr Jill MacKay
Recording of Dr Emily Nordmann (University of Glasgow) and Dr Jill MacKay (University of Edinburgh) speaking at the University of Edinburgh Lecture Capture Symposium on 31 January 2019. Hosted by Dr…
02:55duration 2 minutes 55 seconds
Why education students should use the Careers…
Why education students should use the Careers Service by Suzanne Agnew
05:16duration 5 minutes 16 seconds
Decision Tree Entropy