Search for tag: "christ"

Doctoral Podcast_Episode02

Welcome to this special recording for COP26 and beyond, where we consider the power of drama, parable and liturgy to immerse us bodily in current reality, and give us vision for a way forward.I am…

From  Kasia Stoinska 0 likes 1 plays 0  

UoE Carol Service

The New College Carol Service this year is an extra special service marking the 175th Anniversary of New College, and taking place as part of the stunning Winter Tales Literary Festival. The…

From  Kasia Stoinska 0 likes 135 plays 0  

10.3b Mexican Featherwork

In this video, we consider Mexican featherwork of religious subjects and its role in creating wonder in Europe, and converting indigenous peoples.

From  Jill Burke 0 likes 179 plays 0  

10.2b African Presence in Renaissance Europe

This video considers black Africans in Renaissance Europe, particularly Italy.

From  Jill Burke 0 likes 463 plays 0  

The Making of the US President - A short history in five elections - A journalist’s perspective - Jon Kelly on the making of the US President in 2008

This project was created by the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh.

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 49 plays