Search for tag: "cooking"

Fruits and vegetables

Food Facts - Module 4 Presentation by Amelia Finaret for the free online course 'Food Facts: From Farm to Fork'

From  Chris Smith 0 likes 3 plays 0  

AI & Storytelling, Invited Lecture for Abertay University - Part 4: AI Systems

AI & Storytelling, Invited Lecture for Abertay University, January 29th 2024 - Part 4: AI Systems

From  Pavlos Andreadis 1 likes 14 plays 0  

Experimental Art History 2

Second video on "Experimental Art History".

From  Jill Burke 2 likes 101 plays 1  

Food and Society in Early Modern Europe - Week 1 pt 2

COL course on Food and Society in Early Modern Europe

From  Lucinda Byatt 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Cooking with Science: 50 shades of textures

Cooking with Science: 50 shades of textures: video highlights from the 2019 Festival of Creative Learning event.

From  Jennifer Williams 0 likes 7 plays 0  

The mathematics of burger flipping - Jean-Luc Thiffeault

The mathematics of burger flipping Jean-Luc Thiffeault - University of Wisconsin-MadisonHiggs Centre for Theoretical Physics Colloquium

From  Brian Pendleton 0 likes 148 plays 0