Search for tag: "draught"

3.1 - Publishing a web page [EdWeb 2 OC]

In this short video, you'll learn how to move your web pages through the publishing workflow to publish them in EdWeb 2. This video accompanies the EdWeb 2: 5 things to get started with EdWeb 2…

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From  Andy Todd 0 likes 156 plays 0  

1.3 - Viewing moderated content [EdWeb 2 OC]

This video demonstrates how to check which pages are ready to be reviewed ahead of publishing for the Moderated Content screen within EdWeb 2, and is part of the EdWeb 2: 5 things to get started with…

+14 More
From  Andy Todd 0 likes 227 plays 0  

MSc in Digital Education: Using WordPress on your mobile device

A brief tutorial for the MSc in Digital Education on how to use WordPress on your mobile phone for your assessed work or as a learning journal.

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From  Michael Gallagher 0 likes 22 plays 0  

Learn Ultra: Creating and Scheduling Announcements

This video demonstrates how to create and schedule announcements in Learn Ultra.

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From  Rebecca Morris 0 likes 204 plays 0  


Welcome talk for 6th CSSP workshop.

From  Simon Tett 0 likes 15 plays 0