Search for tag: "rachel"

CJS Seminar: Deborah Russo

The Crime, Justice & Society Seminar Series presents Isolation in Scottish prisons through a letter-writing project Deborah Russo, University of Edinburgh and member of the Scottish…

From  Iain Mcgee 0 likes 7 plays 0  

In Conversation with Christina Riley: Collecting, Arranging and Sharing the Coast

This podcast features a conversation between Dr Anna Pilz and the Scotland-based artist Christina Riley. Anna talks to Christina about her project The Beach Today (Guillemot Press, 2021) as a way of…

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From  Anna Pilz 0 likes 62 plays

engage - Enhancing student participation in taught courses through active learning and reflective practices

Presented by Rachel Howell, Lecturer in Sociology / Sustainable Development, School of Social and Political Science & Ana Díaz Vidal, Undergraduate Student, School of Social and Political…

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From  Christy Macleod 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Digital Footprint - Rachel Buchanan

Digital Footprint MOOC Digital Footprints - Rachel Buchanan License: CC BY

From  Louise Connelly 0 likes 3 plays 0  

CVS PhD Video - 2020 Rachel Bell

Video of PhD student Rachel Bell from the Centre for Cardiovascular Science, explaining how she came to study at CVS.

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From  Molly Osborn 0 likes 209 plays 0  

1 Scientist, 1 Question, 1 Minute! - Does climate change affect us all equally? Dr Rachel Hunt

Does climate change affect us all equally? - Dr Rachel Hunt Listen to Dr Rachel Hunt, from the School of Geosciences at the University of Edinburgh, explain if climate change affects us all…

From  Jillian Hosie 0 likes 99 plays 0  

Library Collections Rationalisation Project

Project Manager Hannah Mateer talks about the Library Collections Rationalisation Project. An Information Services project which will create a significant amount collections space, catalogue 12,000…

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From  Tim Gray 0 likes 100 plays 0  

Representing Scotland in Venice

Ms Maclean’s 37-minute video, entitled Spite Your Face, was the focal point for a project that connected several important strands of the University to the Biennale. It marked a special…

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From  camvid camvid 0 likes 61 plays 0  

Wikimania 2017 - Hackathon Showcase

Wikimania Hackathon 2017 took place on Wednesday, 9 August 2017 and Thursday, 10 August 2017 during the Wikimania 2017 pre-conference in Montreal. Developers, designers, translators, documentors,…

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From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Welcome to Wikicite 2017 - introduction by Jonathan Dugan and Rachel Farrand

WikiCite 2017 was a 3-day conference, summit and hack day hosted in Vienna, Austria, on May 23-25, 2017. It expands efforts started with WikiCite 2016 to design a central bibliographic repository,…

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From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Artist Rachel Maclean meets students ahead of Venice Biennale

A group of Edinburgh College of Art at the University of Edinburgh students and their peers from five other Scottish art colleges recently met the acclaimed artist Rachel Maclean as part of Scotland…

From  camvid camvid 0 likes 109 plays 0