Search for tag: "rome"

The ius gentium in the Graeco-Roman legal experience

Watch the Centre for Legal History's…

From  Samantha Allan 0 likes 82 plays 0  

Rome Caput Mundi. Introductory video

Short course on "Rome 'Caput…

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From  Lucinda Byatt 0 likes 21 plays

The edicts of the praetors law, politics and revolution in ancient Rome - Lisa Pilar Eberle

The University of St Andrews Institute of Legal…

From  Iain Mcgee 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Prof. Andrew Erskine - Roman Power, Greek Reaction

Andrew Erskine, Professor of Ancient History,…

From  Rose Day 0 likes 63 plays

Republicanism in mid-sixteenth century Italy by Dr. Lucinda Byatt

Republicanism in mid-sixteenth century Italy:…

From  Robbie Bushe 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Bonnie Prince Charlie & the Jacobites - Gifts for a Prince

Gifts for a prince What are these…

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From  Fiona Buckland 0 likes 64 plays 0  

Prof Walter Scheidel - Slavery and Forced Labor in Early China and the Roman World (3 June 2013)

A recording of a lecture given on Monday 3 June…

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From  Ian Chard 0 likes 66 plays

Evaluating Classification and Regression

Evaluating Classification and Regression

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From  Nigel Goddard 0 likes 3,300 plays 0