Search for tag: "speech recognition"

ASR Lecture 14

ASR Lecture 14: Sequence discriminative training

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 105 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 13

ASR Lecture 13: Speaker adaptation

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 83 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 12

ASR Lecture 12: Neural Networks for Acoustic Modelling 3

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 91 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 10 (part 2); Lecture 11

ASR Lecture 10 (part 2): Neural network models (1); ASR Lecture 11: Neural network models (2)

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 110 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 8

ASR Lecture 8: Large vocabulary ASR

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 151 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 7

ASR Lecture 7: Context-dependent phone models

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 110 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 9: missing content

Missing content from ASR Lecture 9 on back-off bigram LMs

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 96 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 9 part II; ASR Lecture 10 part I

Second part of ASR Lecture 9: WFSTs for ASR First part of ASR Lecture 10: Neural network acoustic models 1

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 195 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 9 part I

ASR Lecture 9: WFSTs for ASR (partial lecture due to technical issues)

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 187 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 6

ASR Lecture 6: Gaussian Mixture Models

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 128 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 4

ASR lecture 4: Introduction to HMMs

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 171 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 3

ASR Lecture 3: Speech signal analysis (2)

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 134 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 5

ASR Lecture 5: HMM algorithms

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 168 plays 0  

ASR Lecture 2

ASR Lecture 2: Speech signal analysis (1)

From  Peter Bell 0 likes 232 plays 0  

Deep Fakes in the age of Voice-Enabled Consumer Electronics - Jennifer Williams

Controversies in the Data Society 2020 Week 3

From  James Stewart 0 likes 23 plays 0