Search for tag: "speaker 12"

Prof Agustin Fuentes - How do we believe_

Prof Agustin Fuentes - How do we believe

From  Lesley Middlemass 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Academic Skills 2018: End of Course Reflections

End of course reflections from the class of 2018.

+48 More
From  Alice Smith 0 likes 137 plays 0  

End of Course Reflections: LEAPS Academic Skills 2017

LEAPS Summer School 2017: end of course reflections from the class of 2017.

+77 More
From  Alice Smith 1 likes 184 plays 0  

AS16 summary film

Academic Skills in the words of the Summer School Class of 2016...

+44 More
From  Alice Smith 0 likes 190 plays 0