Search for tag: "deviation"

Weathering Practical Excel Data Processing

Instructions and walkthrough of processing the Absorbance data into Si concenation and using pivot tables to summerize the data

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From  ALEX Thomas 0 likes 252 plays 0  

Data Tutorial: Use of weight data for broiler chickens and laying hens

by Cynthia Naydani | The Power of Data in Farm Animal Practice Timestamps: 0:00 - Recap 0:38 - Recording weights using bulk weighing - Setting up spreadsheet 1:28 - Recording…

From  Chris Smith 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Weight data for broiler and layers

Lecture by Dr Laura Dixon Timestamps: 01:20 - How to collect weight data 02:01 - Manual Weighing04:20 - Data Processing04:50 - Average Bird Weight Example05:58 - Flock Uniformity Example…

From  Charlotte Gresham 0 likes 53 plays 0  

The Central Limit Theorem

Discrete Mathematics and Probability 2021/22 Week 11 Part 2 The Central Limit Theorem

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From  Ian Stark 0 likes 456 plays 0  

The Exponential Distribution

Discrete Mathematics and Probability 2021/22 Week 9 Part 4 The Exponential Distribution

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From  Ian Stark 1 likes 610 plays

Vera Melinda Galfi II

Mathematics of the Climate Crisis: Extremes and Tipping Points Vera Melinda Galfi, University of UppsalaTuesday 2 November This recording is subtitled. You can turn off the subtitles by pressing CC.

From  Sarah Black 0 likes 59 plays 0  

DDC Session 6 Recording

Recording of Session 6 of data-driven chemistry 2021-22

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From  James Cumby 0 likes 50 plays 0  

DENS Trial SOP Training slides

SOP Training slides for the DENS Trial. These must be viewed before your Site Initiation Visit.

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From  Angela Niven 0 likes 245 plays 0  

MucAct COPD SIV SOP Training Alice Graves 13th July 2021

MucAct COPD SIV SOP Training Alice Graves 13th July 2021

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From  Emma Ward 0 likes 538 plays 0  

Spatial Extremes: Silius M. Vandeskog

This talk has been automatically captioned. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Silius M. Vandeskog Talk Title: Modelling extreme sub-daily precipitation with the…

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From  Belle Taylor 0 likes 54 plays 0  

Olivier Wintenberger EVA Talk Preview

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Olivier Wintenberger Talk Title: Threshold selection for cluster inference based on large deviation…

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From  Anna Munro 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Igor Rodionov EVA Talk Preview

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Igor Rodionov Talk Title: Precise large deviations for m-dependent subexponential sequences Abstract: In…

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From  Anna Munro 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Sebastian Neblung EVA Talk Preview

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Sebastian Neblung Talk Title: Cluster based estimator for the spectral tail process Abstract: A new type of…

+27 More
From  Anna Munro 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Lecture 3_AngleModulation

Introduction to communication systems_Analogue Angle Modulation

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From  Wasiu Popoola 0 likes 241 plays 0  

FDS-S1-11-1-3 Standard error

We introduce the standard error of an estimator and, in particular, the standard error of the mean.

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From  David Sterratt 0 likes 391 plays 0  

FDS-S1-11-1-1 Introduction to estimation

We'll introduce the concept of estimating a population or distribution parameter from a sample.

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From  David Sterratt 0 likes 462 plays 0