Search for tag: "mixture"

3MT Final 2024 - Katie Dubarry

University of Edinburgh Three Minute Thesis Competition Final 2024 Finalist: Katie Dubarry School: Roslin Institute Presentation: Can we breed healthier sheep?

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From  Louise McKay 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Trailer: Re-thinking Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Adaptation

Trailer: Re-thinking Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Adaptation E-Learning Course: Music: Space Technologies - MaxKoMusic | Free Stock Music (CC BY-SA…

From  Juan Martos Diaz 0 likes 314 plays 0  

Multivariate, Heteroscedastic Empirical Bayes via Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood - Bodhisattva Sen

Structural Breaks and Shape Constraints Multivariate, Heteroscedastic Empirical Bayes via Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Bodhisattva Sen (Columbia University) 16 May 2022

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From  Iain Cms 0 likes 70 plays 0  

Introduction to Lecture 7

Introduction to the Content and Concepts of Lecture 7

From  John Christy 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Introduction to lecture 6

Introduction to the content and concepts covered in lecture 6

From  John Christy 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Introduction to Lecture 5

Introduction to the content and concepts covered in lecture 5

From  John Christy 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Jiahua Chen (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) - Distributed Learning of Finite Gaussian Mixtures

26 November 2021 Jiahua Chen (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) - Distributed Learning of Finite Gaussian Mixtures. Advances in information technology have led to extremely large…

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From  Greg McCracken 0 likes 43 plays 0  

Best Student Paper: Hamid Jalalzai

This talk has been automatically captioned. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Hamid Jalalzai Talk Title: Feature Clustering for Support Identification in Extreme…

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From  Belle Taylor 0 likes 39 plays 0  

Climate Extremes: Raphaël Huser

This talk has been automatically captioned. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Raphaël Huser Talk Title: Modeling and Estimation of Extreme Red Sea Surface…

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From  Belle Taylor 0 likes 38 plays 0  

Bayesian Extremes: Likun Zhang

This talk has been automatically captioned. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Likun Zhang Talk Title: Spatial scale-aware tail dependence modeling for…

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From  Belle Taylor 0 likes 85 plays 0  

Bayesian Extremes: Rishikesh Yadav

This talk has been automatically captioned. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Rishikesh Yadav Talk Title: A flexible Bayesian framework for modeling extreme…

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From  Belle Taylor 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Thomas Opitz EVA Talk Preview

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Thomas Opitz Talk Title: Stochastic geometry of Gaussian mixture processes and spatial extreme-value analysis…

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From  Anna Munro 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Sayed H. Kadhem EVA Talk Preview

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Sayed H. Kadhem Talk Title: Bi-factor and second-order copula models for item response data Abstract: In the…

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From  Anna Munro 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Ekaterina Morozova EVA Talk Preview

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Ekaterina Morozova Talk Title: Extreme value analysis for mixture models with heavy-tailed impurity…

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From  Anna Munro 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Likun Zhang EVA Talk Preview

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Likun Zhang Talk Title: Spatial scale-aware tail dependence modeling for high-dimensional spatial extremes…

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From  Anna Munro 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Stan Tendijck EVA Talk Preview

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Stan Tendijck Talk Title: Modelling the extremes of bivariate mixture distributions with application to…

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From  Anna Munro 0 likes 11 plays 0