Search for tag: "requirement"

Routes to practise in the US with Barbri

Watch this recording to learn about the routes to practise in the US.

From  Karen Dennis 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Using an EIDF VM: Episode 1

Overview of the Edinburgh International Data Facility video tutorial series on how to use an EIDF-hosted VM. The tutorial series consists of four parts: Accessing the EIDF portal, Introduction to the…

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From  Sam Haynes 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Dr Kathrin Cresswell - Information governance in secondary uses of data in the NHS (Week 6)

Dr Kathrin Cresswell - Information governance in secondary uses of data in the NHS (Week 6)

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From  Matt Newlands 0 likes 46 plays 0  

On Hitchin's Connection - Thomas Baier

Bundles and Conformal Blocks with a Twist On Hitchin's Connection Thomas Baier (IST Lisbon) 13 June, 2022

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From  Iain Cms 0 likes 15 plays 0  

The Court’s Role in the Withdrawal of Clinically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration

Presentation from MI Visiting Scholar Lunch on "An Assessment of the Court’s Role in the Withdrawal of Clinically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration from Patients in the Permanent Vegetative…

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From  Elisabeth Barlow 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Introduction to Block 3 PGCAP

A video introduction to Block 3 of the PG Cert in Academic Practice

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From  Velda McCune 0 likes 88 plays 0  

Sharing ownership and responsibilities for adopting SuDS - differences in Scotland and England

Sharing ownership and responsibilities for adopting SuDS - differences in Scotland and England 31 August 2020 Filmed by Neil Stuart. Edited by Eduardo Serafin. Kate Heal, Professor of Catchment…

From  Eduardo Serafin 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Promoting fairer access to Scottish universities: how can this be achieved?

This is the second annual memorial lecture in honour of the late Professor David Raffe. Professor Vikki Bolover of Durhan University drew on her recent research in Scotland to consider how we can…

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From  Nelly Iacobescu 0 likes 74 plays 0  

How to retrieve a deposit from the DataVault

How to retrieve data in an existing deposit from the Edinburgh DataVault. For more about the DataVault please see .

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From  Pauline Ward 0 likes 87 plays 0