Search for tag: "mason institute"

Mason Institute Webinar Series: One Health Ethics: Just(ice) Do It — Why Including Animals as Subjects of Justice May Help Address Global Problems

We as a global community are facing many complex problems—climate change, antimicrobial resistance, collapsing biodiversity, etc.— which have already had huge impacts on every life on the…

From  Szandra Bekei 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Mason Webinar Series: A Staged Analysis of Informed Consent: Balancing Medical and Patient Perspectives

Speaker: Dr Louise Austin An issue that persistently troubles the UK courts in the context of informed consent is the question of how to balance the role of medical and patient perspectives when…

From  Szandra Bekei 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Mason Institute Webinar Series: Population Health and the Law: Alcohol Minimum Pricing in Scotland and Wales

Minimum Pricing for Alcohol has been the subject of intense public scrutiny following its introduction in Scotland and Wales. This presentation sets Minimum Pricing in a political and legal context,…

From  Szandra Bekei 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Mason Institute Webinar Series: A triad approach to discharge demands from patients with questionable mental capacity

Patients discharging themselves from care in the hospital against medical advice in Singapore, as in elsewhere, is not an infrequent occurrence. In patients assessed as lacking the mental capacity to…

From  Szandra Bekei 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Mason Institute Webinar Series - “Mental Health Law in the United Kingdom – same questions, different answers and different trajectories.”

“Over recent years, it has become increasingly clear that the different constituent parts of the United Kingdom are taking very different approaches to the dilemmas posed by mental ill-health,…

From  Szandra Bekei 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Mason Institute Webinar Series: Blurred Boundaries: Community Treatment Orders as Instruments of Racial Surveillance

The Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) is a coercive piece of legislation that authorises the compulsory detention and treatment of people with mental disorders who are perceived to pose a risk to…

From  Szandra Bekei 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Mason Institute Webinar The role of futility

About the eventIn early cases considering the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining medical treatment from adult patients lacking capacity due to prolonged disorders of consciousness, futility…

From  Szandra Bekei 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Mason Institute Webinar Series - Death Investigations in Scotland: Examining Deaths in Care Homes During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Presenter: Gillian Mawdsley is a practising Scottish qualified solicitor. She is a Lecturer and tutor at the Open University, Edinburgh and Strathclyde Universities. She has a longstanding interest…

From  Szandra Bekei 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Mason Institute Webinar Series - Abortion Care in Ireland Negotiating the Legal Framework - good

Presenter: Professor Mary Donnelly (University College Cork, Ireland; Mason Institute Research Visitor, 2023)Overview of presentationUntil 1 January 2019, the provision of abortion care in Ireland…

From  Szandra Bekei 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Mason Institute Webinar Series - The Ethics of Medical Philanthropy Slavery, Colonialism, and the University of Edinburgh

Presenter: Dr Simon Buck, Research Fellow (University of Edinburgh’s Historical Links to African Enslavement and Colonialism, 2022-202), Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH),…

From  Szandra Bekei 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Celebrating 40 Years of Mason and McCall Smith’s Law and Medical Ethics

In this video, we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first publication of Mason and McCall Smith's Law and Medical Ethics. It is the UK’s leading textbook in medical law and ethics,…

From  Elisabeth Barlow 0 likes 140 plays 0  

Celebrating 40 years of Mason and McCall Smith's Law and Medical Ethics

On this very special episode of the Mason Institute podcast series we celebrate the seminal textbook, Mason and McCall Smith's Law and Medical Ethics, which was born and nurtured here at …

From  Elisabeth Barlow 0 likes 46 plays 0  

Mason Institute Investigates - Season 2 Episode 5: Listening to Children: Children’s perspectives on surrogacy law

Welcome back for another episode of the Mason Institute Investigates podcast. In this episode, Dr Katherine Wade, Dr Kirsty Horsey and Dr Zaina Mahmoud talks about their project called…

From  Samantha Allan 0 likes 29 plays 0  

Mason Institute Investigates Season 2 Episode 4: Under Pressure: Impact of COVID-19 ‘easements’ on adult social care provision

Welcome back for another episode of the Mason Institute Investigates podcast. In this episode Professor Jean McHale from Birmingham Law School and Director of the Centre of Health Law, Science and…

From  Samantha Allan 0 likes 21 plays 0  

Mason Institute Investigates Season 2 Episode 3: Peace by Piece: Legal Regulation of Cosmetic Procedures

The description for this episode is: Welcome back for another episode of the Mason Institute Investigates podcast. In this episode, our guest is Professor Jean McHale, healthcare lawyer and Director…

From  Samantha Allan 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Mason Institute Investigates Episode 8: Clinician-Led Evidence-Based Activism

Welcome back for another episode of Mason Institute Investigates. In this episode Dr Piyush Pushkar and Dr Louise Tomkow from the University of Manchester talk about their research on clinician-led…

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From  Elisabeth Barlow 0 likes 11 plays 0