Search for tag: "spam"


Lecture on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

From  Clare Llewellyn 0 likes 35 plays 0  

Registration - Cool Farm Tool

This video is from the Cool Farm Toool

From  Louise Connelly 0 likes 189 plays

ML0: Introduction to ML

This video is taken from the introductory seminar to the SNADA2 course, where we introduce what is meant by machine learning and what it can be used for.

From  Elliot Crowley 0 likes 58 plays 0  

IDS - Week 09 - 04 - Feature engineering

Feature engineering with recipes and fitting models with workflows

From  Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel 0 likes 49 plays 0  

IDS - Week 09 - 03 - Prediction and overfitting

Making predictions based on models and splitting data into training and testing sets to avoid overfitting

From  Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel 0 likes 65 plays 0  

IDS - Week 09 - 02 - Logistic regression

Predicting binary outcomes with logistic regression

From  Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel 0 likes 59 plays 0  

ML5: K-Nearest Neighbours Classification

In this video, we introduce the simplest classifier: the K-Nearest Neighbours classifier. This classifier has no trainable parameters, and classifies test points by finding its closest training…

From  Elliot Crowley 0 likes 40 plays 0  

ML4: An introduction to Classification

Here, we explain what is meant by a (binary) classifier. It is a black box that takes in some data and predicts whether it belongs to one of two possible classes. We also describe how we can split…

From  Elliot Crowley 0 likes 43 plays 0  

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve

From  Nigel Goddard 1 likes 3,609 plays 0  

Classification Error and Accuracy

Classification Error and Accuracy

From  Nigel Goddard 0 likes 3,002 plays 0  

False Positives and False Negatives

False Positives and False Negatives

From  Nigel Goddard 1 likes 2,944 plays 0  

Generalization Error

Generalization Error

From  Nigel Goddard 0 likes 3,918 plays 0  

Naive Bayes for Spam Detection

Naive Bayes for Spam Detection

From  Nigel Goddard 2 likes 3,875 plays 1  

The Zero-Frequency Problem

The Zero-Frequency Problem

From  Nigel Goddard 1 likes 3,620 plays 0  

Bayesian Classification

Bayesian Classification

From  Nigel Goddard 1 likes 4,891 plays 0  

Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning

Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning

From  Nigel Goddard 1 likes 2,842 plays 0