Search for tag: "channels"

How to share and publish a video in Media Hopper Create

In this video, you'll learn how to properly share your media assets with others and publish them a channels within Media Hopper Create.

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From  Andy Todd 0 likes 0 plays 0  

How to create and manage channels and playlists in Media Hopper Create

In this video, you'll learn to create your very own channel in Media Hopper Create. In addition to creating the channel, you'll learn how to change its privacy settings, add members and…

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From  Andy Todd 0 likes 1 plays 0  

How to schedule published media in Media Hopper Create

In this video, you'll learn how to schedule the publishing of your videos in Media Hopper Create. This allows you to define a time and date range when your video will automatically become…

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From  Andy Todd 0 likes 0 plays 0  

How to view video and channel analytics in Media Hopper Create

In this video, you'll learn how to view analytics for not only your video but also your channels within Media Hopper Create.

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From  Andy Todd 0 likes 0 plays 0  

How to import a video from YouTube in Media Hopper Create

In this video, you'll learn how to take a public YouTube video and bring it into Media Hopper Create. This video can then be added to a channel, turned into a quiz and be shared with others.

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From  Andy Todd 0 likes 0 plays 0  

QCTiP24 Day 3.4 Adam Taylor v2

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From  Ramin Jafarzadegan 0 likes 1 plays 0  

QCTiP Day 2 Parallel 1 - C.Zhu v2

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From  Ramin Jafarzadegan 0 likes 2 plays 0  

QCTiP Day 1.5 D Miller v2

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From  Ramin Jafarzadegan 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Humanities researchers’ perspectives towards scholarly communication practices - Dominic Hewett

To change research culture for the better, we need to understand researchers. Existing studies of the scholarly communication landscape in the humanities, especially in relation to open access, have…

From  Nel Coleman 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Creating composite images in Bacmman

Video tutorial on how to create composite images between different channels in Bacmman

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From  Daniel Thedie 0 likes 5 plays 0  

How to access the Learner Portal and Online Learning Platform

Log into the Learner Portal > This short demonstration for learners on the Short Courses Platform shows you how to log into the Learner Portal and access the Online Learning Platform. You'll…

From  Lizzy Garner-Foy 0 likes 480 plays 0  

Tags in Teams

Creating and using tags in Microsoft Teams channels.

From  Ann Harrison 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Command & Control - Neurotransmission

Learning objectives 1.Know that maintaining the resting state of a neuron using Na/K+ ATPase requires energy. 2.Know the three ways to stimulate a neuron to generate an action potential.…

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From  Deborah Forbes 0 likes 1,065 plays 0  

Online Course Production Service: Marketing Overview

The Online Course Production Service marketing team will work with you to understand your target audience and develop an effective digital strategy for attracting learners. We'll work together…

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From  Calum Macphail 0 likes 78 plays 0  

Robert L Bassett Presentation - SSPD 2021

Presented at the Sensor Signal Processing for Defence Conference (SSPD) 2021Presentation: "The Maximal Eigengap Estimator for Acoustic Vector-Sensor Processing" Speaker: Robert L Bassett,…

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From  Joe Burchell 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Multivariate Extremes: Matheus Guerrero

This talk has been automatically captioned. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Matheus Guerrero Talk Title: Conex-Connect: Learning Patterns in Extremal Brain…

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From  Belle Taylor 0 likes 38 plays 0