Search for tag: "copyright law"

What Is Copyright?

Copyright is a type of intellectual property (IP) right that protects the rights of authors of original creative works. Find out how it applies, how to spot it, and where to find more information…

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From  Lizzy Garner-Foy 1 likes 87 plays 0  

CCCF 2019: Careers in Film and TV

Recording of the panel session 'Careers in Film & TV' from CCCF 2019.

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From  Mairi MacNorton 0 likes 82 plays 0  

Learning Technology Showcase March 2018, Part 1

Lecture Technology Showcase (run by the Learning Teaching and Web division of Information Services, University of Edinburgh) of 29th March 2018 on the subject of lecture recording. Part 1. Speakers:…

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From  Brendan Hill 0 likes 150 plays 0  

Preparing for lecture recording: OER

This recording is from the training sessions for Media Hopper Replay and focuses on open educational resources, openly licensed digital resources for use as teaching materials and in recorded…

From  Charlie Farley 0 likes 132 plays 0  

Preparing for lecture recording: Accessibility

This recording is from the training sessions for Media Hopper Replay and focuses on the design and accessibility of teaching materials, in recorded lectures.

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From  Charlie Farley 1 likes 213 plays 0