Search for tag: "powerpoint"

How to edit a lecture video including slides in Shotcut

How to use shotcut (free software) to edit a lecture video including video and slides.

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From  Eli Appleby-Donald 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Using PowerPoint to create an academic poster

This event aligns with the Digital creation, problem-solving and innovation competency on the University's Digital Skills Framework. The event is suitable for all students who want to learn how…

From  Catherine Koppe 0 likes 280 plays 0  

Introduction to Blackboard Collaborate, Teams and VLE for OL students

Overview of the main learning technologies online-learning students will encounter.Muireann Crowley (HCA Learning Technology)14 September 2021

From  Rose Day 0 likes 26 plays 0  

HCA Learning Technology: Introduction to Mentimeter

Recording of a training session (July 2021) for staff teaching in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.

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From  Rose Day 0 likes 39 plays 0  

Exporting video streams from Media Hopper Create and importing into a video editor

This video shows you how to export both video streams from Media Hopper Create (Primary and Secondary), and how to import these into a video editor, for the example in this video we are using…

From  David Pammenter 0 likes 54 plays 0  

Powerpoint 2016 - adding a talking head video

In Powerpoint 2016, you can't easily record video directly into the application. This is a quick guide on how to add a talking head video into your powerpoint if you then want to export it as an…

From  David Pammenter 0 likes 251 plays 0  

Powerpoint O365 - Recording Lectures

This video is a quick guide to show you how to record your powerpoints and desktop, audio and video with the Windows Office365 version of Powerpoint. Please note, most managed windows machines have…

From  David Pammenter 0 likes 27 plays 0  

HCA Learning Technology: Introduction to Media Hopper Create and Kaltura Capture

Recording of a training session on Kaltura Desktop Recorder/ Media Hopper Create for staff teaching in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology. What is Media Hopper Create? Installing and…

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From  Rose Day 0 likes 61 plays 0  

Using the XP pen tablet with MS products (whiteboard/Powerpoint/Onenote)

This video covers how to use Microsoft whiteboard at a fairly in-depth level. It also looks at how to use your graphics tablet with MS Powerpoint and looks at annotating in Onenote.

+21 More
From  David Pammenter 0 likes 1,500 plays 0  

Professional Skills for GAFS (1) - Week 1 Round Up

This is the round up for Week 1 of Professional Skills for Global Agri-Food Scientists Please note, captions are auto-generated

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From  Jill MacKay 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Lecture 3 part 3 Kaltura Capture recording - September 24th 2020, 2:52:41 pm

Lecture 3 part 3

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From  Pauline Phemister 0 likes 36 plays 0  

lecture 3 part 1 Kaltura Capture recording - September 20th 2020, 10:07:16 am

lecture 3, part 1

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From  Pauline Phemister 0 likes 44 plays 0  

Lecture 1 Part 2 Kaltura Capture recording - September 1st 2020, 7:40:57 pm

Lecture 1 part 2

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From  Pauline Phemister 0 likes 51 plays 0  

Professional skills for GAFS (1) - Week 2- Intro to Powerpoint

Professional Skills for Global Agri-Food Scientists 1. This is the Introduction to Powerpoint lecture. You should come to the discussion boards on the Professional Skills Learn course for more…

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From  Jill MacKay 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Powerpoint to Learn workflow - via Media Hopper Create for Captioning

This video covers how to export your powerpoint recordings, and get them into Learn, via Media Hopper Create. This video does not cover how to record the videos in Powerpoint.

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From  David Pammenter 2 likes 135 plays 0  

A workflow with PPT Kaltura and MHC

Workshop demonstrating how to record a PPT presentation (Windows) with Kaltura Capture, and upload to Media Hopper Create, highlighting some of the recommended settings

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From  Aran Ward Sell 0 likes 155 plays 0