04:45duration 4 minutes 45 seconds
Food Facts - Module 3 Presentation by Amelia Finaret for the free online course 'Food Facts: From Farm to Fork' edin.ac/food-facts
07:48duration 7 minutes 48 seconds
Reliable nutrition information
17:02duration 17 minutes 2 seconds
'Christian theology and food' - Dr…
'Christian theology and food' - Dr David Grumett
In this short lecture Dr David Grumett shows that food is as important in Christianity as in other religions and examines food in the Bible and Christian tradition.
01:06:25duration 1 hour 6 minutes
Prof Agustin Fuentes - What makes us human_
Prof Agustin Fuentes - What makes us human
01:01:45duration 1 hour 1 minute
Prof. Agustin Fuentes - Who are we_ Belief,…
Prof. Agustin Fuentes - Who are we_ Belief, evolution, and our place in the world