Search for tag: "autonomy"

Digital Education Futures Seminar Series. Seminar 1: The Balance of Power - Learner Autonomy vs. Algorithmic Interference

This event was held on 25th September 2024Dr Jillianne Code, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at University of British Columbia and Director of the ALIVE Research Lab"Seminar 1:…

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From  Claire Sowton 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Hugh Griffiths Presentation - SSPD 2021

Presented at the Sensor Signal Processing for Defence Conference (SSPD) 2021Presentation: "Defence Keynote Speaker: Why Defence Acquisition is Difficult" Speaker: Hugh Griffiths, Defence…

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From  Joe Burchell 0 likes 3 plays 0  

The Great Medico-Legal Legal Debate 2016: The Right to Know

Should parents have access to all information produced by whole genome sequencing prior to birth? The Mason Institute hosted its third annual intramural student debate with students from the…

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From  Elisabeth Barlow 0 likes 13 plays 0  

MI Interviews - Prof Barbara Prainsack

Prof Barbara Prainsack discusses her research on solidarity with Graeme Laurie of the Mason Institute. Please note: All interviews are from a personal perspective and not representing the views…

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From  Elisabeth Barlow 0 likes 15 plays 0  

The Great Medico-Legal Debate 2015: Should Scotland Legalise Assisted Suicide?

Is there a convincing case to be made for legalising assisted suicide in Scotland? In the University of Glasgow’s historic Debates Chambers, the Mason Institute hosted its second annual…

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From  Elisabeth Barlow 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Data to Decision’ – Delivering Exploitable Capability from Advanced Processing in Complex Sonar Systems

Presentation from the UDRC Themed Meeting on Signal Processing in the Underwater Environment by Andy Marlor, Thales

From  Maddy McBeath 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Judith Rauhofer - Beyond consent

Controversies inthe Data Socoety 2021

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From  Judith Rauhofer 1 likes 88 plays 0  

The Rights of Children with ASN_ From Paper to Practice

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh and University of Manchester have developed a short film to increase knowledge and awareness among parents and practitioners of new children’s…

From  Grace Kong 0 likes 922 plays

Prof Agustin Fuentes - What makes us human_

Prof Agustin Fuentes - What makes us human

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From  Lesley Middlemass 0 likes 126 plays 0  

1.3 The Market Forces Framework Applied Updated

1.3 The Market Forces Framework Applied Updated

From  Marcello Crolla 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Kate and Jen


From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 90 plays 0  

Economic Democracy Block2 v4: The Cooperative Alternative

Welcome to Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative, our MOOC about worker-owned and worker-controlled firms. We often hear that political democracy is the best available form of…

From  Nuria Fraile-Diaz 0 likes 42 plays 0  

Economic Democracy Block2 v3

Welcome to Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative, our MOOC about worker-owned and worker-controlled firms. We often hear that political democracy is the best available form of…

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From  Nuria Fraile-Diaz 0 likes 12 plays 0