Search for tag: "conclusion"

Essay Writing: The Basics

This is a short video which is intended for those who find themselves worrying about undertaking an essay assessment. Perhaps it is not the type of assessment that you happen to be used to, or…

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From  Aaron Allen 1 likes 101 plays 0  

IRR Lecture 5: Writing a Good Research Review

This lecture explains the ways to justify an answer and how to build a scientific argument. This also includes critical questions and tips for writing a successful literature review.

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From  Aurora Constantin 0 likes 71 plays 0  

What is citing and referencing?

Citing and referencing is the process to acknowledge the books, articles and other sources that you used when creating your own academic work.Watch this video to see an example of how an author has…

+22 More
From  Catherine Ure 0 likes 442 plays 0  

Video A

Critical Think Retreat - Video A

+20 More
From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 121 plays 0  

Writing Philosophy 5

Writing Philosophy

From  Damian Caluori 0 likes 273 plays 0  

Writing Philosophy 2

Writing Philosophy

From  Damian Caluori 0 likes 346 plays 0  

Writing Philosophy 1

Writing Philosophy

From  Damian Caluori 0 likes 452 plays 0  

Leo Belzile EVA Talk Preview

This talk has captions. You can remove these by pressing CC on the video toolbar. Name: Leo Belzile Talk Title: Informative selection mechanisms for extreme value analyses Abstract: The sampling…

+30 More
From  Anna Munro 0 likes 31 plays 0  


The third video of the Inf2d lecture on Inference in First-Order Logic.

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From  Claudia-Elena Chirita 0 likes 183 plays 0  

Greats: From Plato to the Enlightenment - Lecture 12

Greats: From Plato to the Enlightenment - Lecture 12

+19 More
From  Natalie Chisholm 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Greats: PhilSkills: How to write a philosophy essay

Greats: From Plato to the Enlightenment - Writing

+19 More
From  Damian Caluori 0 likes 721 plays 0  

Language Production Lecture 10 Part 31

Alignment, computers, conclusion

+2 More
From  Martin Pickering 0 likes 28 plays 0  

CL - Lecture 3j - Aristotle's Syllogisms

We describe the traditional presentation of the syllogisms, and introduce Aristotle's existential assumption, on the basis of which he derives nine more syllogisms. These are not sound in our…

+25 More
From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 472 plays 0  

CL - Lecture 3g - Making more rules with contrapositions

Using meta-/object-level contrapositions, we can derive all 15 sound syllogisms from Barbara.

+25 More
From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 479 plays 0  

CL - Lecture 3f - Presenting your justifications and counterexamples

In this video, we label each region in the Venn diagram with a number from 0 to 7. We can then present our justifications and counter-examples by referring to those 8 regions.

+25 More
From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 490 plays 0  

CL - Lecture 3e - Constructing a Counterexample

In the last video, we showed a rule is sound using Venn diagrams. In this video, we will again use Venn diagrams to construct counter-examples for unsound rules.

+26 More
From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 508 plays 0