Search for tag: "request"

Using an EIDF VM: Episode 2

Episode 2 in the Edinburgh International Data Facility video tutorial series on how to use an EIDF-hosted VM. This episode covers how to request an account to access a project using the EIDF Portal.

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From  Sam Haynes 0 likes 23 plays 0  

BadgEd Champions training

Recorded training session for BadgEd Champions. To be shared with new Champions only.

From  Delia Georgescu 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Requesting Library materials - Introduction to the Library for University Staff

Covers using DiscoverEd to request library materials and how to request materials that the Library doesn't hold, including teaching and research requests, interlibrary loans, Scan & Deliver…

From  Christine Love-Rodgers 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Literature searching for Philosophy (MSc Philosophy online)

A presentation on how to develop effective search strategies and introduction to online resources for Philosophy. For online postgraduate students in the School of Philosophy, Psychology &…

+23 More
From  Ishbel Leggat 0 likes 13 plays

Introduction to Library resources for Engineering students - September 15th 2023, 12:52:51 pm

Introduction to Library resources for Engineering students.

From  Jenny Lauder 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Alexa Privacy Settings (Part 7): What about the Alexa Skills?

Alexa Privacy Settings: What about the Alexa Skills?

From  Valentina Andries 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Alexa Privacy Settings (Part 5): What happens when you choose to delete data

Alexa Privacy Settings: What happens when you choose to delete data

From  Valentina Andries 0 likes 2 plays 0  

How to use the Library for your Dissertation

Just starting the process of using the Library for your dissertation research? This session will help you to discover and find the digital resources available via the Library, get your hands on the…

From  Christine Love-Rodgers 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Dissertation Festival : How to use the library remotely for your dissertation

This session aims to help you access the library resources and services you need to work on your dissertation remotely. Find out about the full range of services available to you at a distance, and…

+26 More
From  Christine Love-Rodgers 0 likes 74 plays 0  

Dissertation Festival: How to use the Library remotely for your dissertation

This session aims to help you access the library resources and services you need to work on your dissertation remotely. Find out about the full range of services available to you at a distance, and…

+20 More
From  Christine Love-Rodgers 0 likes 71 plays 0  

Library resources refresher - HCA

A brief refresher session for students in School of History, Classics and Archaeology on Library resources and services (February 2021). A PDF version of the slides can be downloaded from the…

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From  Caroline Stirling 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Introduction to Library resources for Engineering students - Part 3: accessing and referencing literature

A guide to accessing full-text literature and citing and managing references.

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From  Jenny Lauder 0 likes 286 plays 0  

Requesting captions on your Mediahopper Create videos

A brief tutorial explaining how to request captions on your Mediahopper Create videos

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From  Michael Gallagher 0 likes 252 plays 0  

Resource Booker Guidance

Guidance video that shows how to create, edit and cancel room bookings within Resource Booker.

From  Anastasia Mezecka 1 likes 2,677 plays 0  

How to use a clip on Sennheiser G3 Radio Microphone in Teaching Rooms

This video will show you how to us a clip on Sennheiser G3 Radio Microphone in Teaching Rooms. If you have any questions or would like a familiarisation session please contact Learning Spaces…

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From  Alan Hamilton 0 likes 257 plays 0